Exploring the European Space Agency: Trifid Automation's Sky Simulator - A Glimpse into Our Pioneering Journey

Saturday 8/10/2024 |Archive

Exploring the European Space Agency: Trifid Automation's Sky Simulator - A Glimpse into Our Pioneering Journey - zoom image
Exploring the European Space Agency: Trifid Automation's Sky Simulator - A Glimpse into Our Pioneering Journey

Exploring the European Space Agency: A Glimpse into Trifid Automation's Pioneering Journey

Trifid Automation goes beyond machine vision and does it with success! Experts from Trifid Automation, team of the daughter and the father - Janka Kačmáriková and Ján Kačmárík - were genuinely excited about the opportunity to tour the Columbus module of the International Space Station at the headquarters of the European Space Agency (ESA). This event marked the successful culmination of Trifid Automation's partnership with ESA, characterized by innovation. The visit was not only an exceptional experience but also a testament to the success of our joint efforts in advancing space technology.

As part of the PECS5 program, Trifid Automation received the Sky Simulator for Fine Guidance Sensor project. The simulator is intended to enable the development and testing of algorithms used for FGS-type sensors for precise positioning of astronomical satellites of the European Space Agency (ESA). This project aimed to support ESA missions in enhancing astronomical research.

Sky Simulator: Enhancing Precision in Space

Trifid Automation's collaboration with ESA focused on developing an advanced Sky Simulator for Fine Guidance Sensors. This cutting-edge tool is designed to enhance the precision of space telescopes and other astronomical instruments by accurately replicating star images. In this way, the Sky Simulator improves the alignment and operational efficiency of these devices, making them more reliable for astronomical observations.

Key Features of the Sky Simulator:

  • Accurate Star Image Replication: The Sky Simulator can mimic the appearance of stars with exceptional precision, aiding in the calibration and testing of space telescopes.
  • Improved Alignment and Efficiency: By providing accurate star fields, the simulator enhances the alignment of telescopes, ensuring more reliable data collection.
  • Innovative Design: The Sky Simulator introduces new capabilities for handling cosmic radiation and other space-specific challenges, offering a robust tool for researchers and engineers.

Insights from Janka Kačmáriková

Janka Kačmáriková expressed her excitement about the visit, stating, "Visiting ESA in the Netherlands is probably one of the dreams of every astronomy enthusiast. I am also an astronomy enthusiast, so I have been to many space-themed places, but this was different. It had a genuine scientific space atmosphere."

She also discussed the challenges faced during the development of the Sky Simulator: "Working on the development of the Sky Simulator was a challenge for the company. It was something completely different from what we usually do. Normally, we look for errors in images and correct them, but this time we had the task of intentionally distorting a good image of the star field with various noises and flying particles of cosmic radiation."

Janka highlighted the learning curve involved in collaborating with ESA: "Our active collaboration with ESA on this project took a bit longer than initially expected. A lot of time was spent on documentation, which we couldn’t get right the first time as ESA envisioned, but we learned from it, and future projects will be much easier for us."

A Visual Journey Through Our ESA Experience

1. Inside the Columbus Module: During our visit, led by our star team - father and daughter - Janka and Ján ventured inside the Columbus module, where cutting-edge research and experiments are conducted daily. This picture captures a moment of pride and achievement, as we stood within a structure that represents human aspirations in space.

2. The Heart of Astronautical Achievements: Ján Kačmárik's enthusiasm was palpable as he posed next to the re-entry capsule displayed at ESA. This capsule, which has braved the journey back to Earth, serves as a symbol of the challenging conditions faced during space missions and the robustness required of every piece of equipment used in space.

3. The Columbus Module from the Outside: Our exploration extended to the exterior of the Columbus module, where we gained a broader perspective of its size and the complexity of its construction. This segment of the station, crucial for numerous experiments, stood as a testament to international cooperation in space research.

4. Capturing the Local Essence: The trip also allowed us to soak in the local ambiance of the Netherlands, with its vibrant skies and serene landscapes. Here, a stunning sunset over the quaint town near ESA headquarters provided a moment of reflection on how ground-based beauty inspires our quest to explore the universe.

5. Moments of Leisure: Amidst the technological marvels, taking time to connect with nature was essential. Janka and Ján enjoyed a peaceful moment by the North Sea, a reminder of the natural wonders we strive to protect as we reach for the stars.



The success of the Sky Simulator project not only showcases Trifid Automation's expertise in innovative space technology but also paves the way for future advancements. We are eagerly anticipating the contributions of our Sky Simulator to future astronomical endeavours. If you are involved in the development of space telescopes or any technology reliant on stellar imagery, we encourage you to reach out and explore potential collaborations. Together, let's aspire to new heights in space exploration!

Explore how our solution evolved by reading the case study on this project for European Space Agency. 

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